Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Project 02: Newspaper Article

Newspaper Article

My final Idea for the summer project was to create a newspaper of the last 20 years of news that have shocked/ shaped/ changed our country. These news articles would have also affected the society I live in today. To make the piece personal, there are small articles of events that have happened to me over the last 20 years, starting from 1990 (the day I was born) to 20010 (the present day).

Below I have decided to display the first page of the newspaper for the exhibit.

Project 02: Brief


You have two weeks to refine and exhibit an element of your summer holiday project.

Project 04: Ideas - Currency Symbols

Currency Symbols

After my feedback I went back to basics and back to my research to start again. However this time I concentrated on the graphic symbols and codes associated with currency, as everyone is connected by currency.

Below are my posters displaying the different codes and symbols separately, along with them placed together:

Project 04: Ideas - Association With Money

Ideas - Associations with Money

Another idea I had was to communicate our associations with money, such as poverty, greed, power, politics etc.

Below is my idea for a banknote to represent poverty, along with close ups of the note:

Project 04: Ideas - Money

Ideas - Money

My chosen subject for this project was money. I believe that money is connected to everything that we have or use in our modern society, Without is we wouldn't have a home, food, resources, educations, services or products. Currency is used in all different parts of the world and comes in many forms. We all haveconnections with money in some way, whether they be positive or negative.

These are some ideas using all the three letter currency codes, that are used to transfer money all around the world.

Project 04: Everything is Connected: Brief


  • Choose a subject matter (Finance, Science, Ecology, Art, etc...) and develop a understanding of it
  • Concentrate (still in your research) either on one particular part or the entirety of it. Gain a full understanding of what it is and what you find fascinating.
  • Choose a medium which is best suited, then communicate the complexity, specific nature of your chosen area.

Project 01: Ideas - Trouble Shooting Part 2

Trouble Shooting Guide - Part 2

Below are photos of my second attempt of creating a trouble shooting guide. This time I tried to follow the layout of a technical trouble shooting guide that I had looked at previously. I think the layout looks a lot better, as it actually looks like a trouble shooting guide, it is also easier to read.

Project 01: Ideas - Trouble Shooting

Trouble Shooting Guide

When I think of Mistakes, I think of solutions or ways in which you can rectify it.

This gave me the idea of researching day-to-day problems and providing solutions on how to solve them.
All the information used in the trouble shooting guide was sourced from the website

I tried to set out the information in a booklet, as many trouble shooting guide (especially technology based ones) are set out in little booklets, with all the information in a table so it is easy to read.

After looking at the booklet I thought that the layout wasn't quite right, as the information was split across pages and it didn't appear to look like a typical trouble shooting guide. I have decided to recreate the booklet in a different layout to see if this works better.

Project 01: Brief

Brief - Mistakes

Error, fault, blunder, slip-up, gaffe, clanger, inaccuracy, oversight, bloomer, laps, faux par...

You are required to observe or invent a system that makes mistakes.

  • Document, record, analyse and rationalise
  • Focus on mistakes as a constructive starting point for a creative project
  • Learn from your mistakes
  • Celebrate imperfection

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Project 05: Ideas - London Boundaries

These are photos of compositions of the final pieces for London Boundaries.

Project 05: Ideas - London Boundaries

From the list of outcomes i had to create i decided by starting to look at the boundaries of london.

I found a map of the boundaries of london from

From this I thought that I could trace around the outskirts to create an outline.

Afterwards I looked at the different postal areas that made up London which I found from

From the list I created a typographic piece.

To make this more personal I highlighted my postcode.

I quite liked this piece as I thought it portrayed the boundaries of London, but I wanted to take it one step further and print it onto letters ( as it relates to the postcodes). I also thought of printing it onto a travel card and a tube map, as this related to the boundaries of traveling.

Project 05: Expected Outcomes

Beyond the Boundaries Outcomes

  • A personal interpretation of Beyond the boundaries loosely inspired by the excursions, exhibits and films (any medium possible).
At least three of the following projects:

  • Take a series of photos without a camera
  • Do an exhibition in an unexpected space, fro example your fridge, your coat
  • Where does London start and end
  • Find a place in London that doesn't look like London. Document it
  • Make a documentary about outsider art
  • Create a video, photo or graphic novel placed in a unknown place
  • Research the subject of immigration and boarder zones
  • Write a 100-word review of Ptrick Keiler's London, Davis Lamela's A study of the relationship of inner and outer space and Saint Etienneie's Finisterre
  • Develop a narrative on people isolated from society, like miners trapped underground, gypsies, royalty, etc.

Project 05: Excursions - Wellcome Collection

High Society - Mind-altering drugs in history and culture

I found this exhibit to be truly fascinating, when I arrived at the exhibit I thought there would be a lot of information around drugs, but instead I found a lot of visual documentation about drugs in history in culture. This meant could really look at this exhibit from a graphic design point of view, this gave me a lot of inspiration.

This is defiantly a subject that I would like to research further.

Below are photos soured from the Wellcome Gallery.

Project 05: Excursions - White Cube

Gregory Crewdson - Sanctuary

Crewdon's work consisted of 41 black-and-white photographs, thats showed a variety of locations.

I thought that his work portrayed physical and mental boundaries, as the locations he captured seemed strange, lonely and alienated.

Here are a few photographs, sourced form the White Cube Gallery.

Project 05: Excursions - Frith Street Gallery

Fiona Banner - The Naked Ear

This was another exhibit that I really enjoyed, showcasing works from Fiona Banner. I have researched her work before but it was really interesting to see her work up close.

My favourite piece was '1066', 2010. Indian ink on wall, 2150 x 400 cm.

This was a wall drawing describing the battle of England's last invasion.

Below are a few photos I took while at the exhibit.

Project 05: Excursions - Serpentine Gallery

Serpentine Gallery

At the Serpentine, we watched a few films from the artist Philippe Parreno.

I found these films quite random as I didn't truly understand the content. Im not particularly interested in artist films, so this may be the reason for lack of interest. I also found it rather difficult to relate the films to 'beyond the boundaries'.

Below are stills from the films, sourced from the Serpentine Gallery.