Project: Orientation
Duration: 1 week
The process of becoming accustomed to a new situation or set of surroundings. The positioning of something, or the position or direction in which something lies.
- Part 1 - Organise yourselves into groups of 5. Gather information/data. Record and document all that you see and find in the spaces that make up Camberwell College.
- Part 2 - Create visual representations of the spaces that make up the College. Present these findings on the studio walls.
- Part 3 - Create a system that communicates the orientation and function of these spaces that make up the College.
split up to draw, and write information about the college.
After we came back we hung up all of our information onto the wall.
After accessing our images we created a brainstorm of ideas we could have of mapping the Camberwell College.
After a lot of deliberation we decided to base our final piece with all the light switches and appliances that are seen on the walls and ceilings of the college. We thought that this would be quite a quirky and original idea for a map.
We were each assigned a floor to
map out using our own perspective as a student and only include rooms that students we need to know about or use. I was given the fourth floor. We then had to create a key of all the different symbols we would use to signify a different room. Once this was sorted, we all split up to start mapping and creating the drawing the map using the key and symbols.
Once we had all completed this, we wanted to make this into a booklet that new students could take around the college. We used brown paper to transfer our maps over a
nd we had to draw them in fine-liners. In between the pages we placed a sheet of tracing paper with information that we have learnt while we have been at Camberwell, for instance, bus times, art shops.
Below are some images of the first few pages of our final book.

I believed that our booklet was successful because of its hand rendered design, that gives it the personal touch, which students could relate to.
After talking to our tutors, we discussed some improvements that we could carry out in the future, if we were to come back to it.
The improvements were that:
- We could have the key in a better position, so that it could wrap around the booklet and be easier to follow or look back at.
- We could also colour some of the symbols, so that it connects to the writing at the top.
- Some of the map could be snaking off the page and coming over the page, to make the book flow better.
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