Images shown bellow:
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Term 1: Project, 6 and 8
Today i have been concentrating on improving on my book covers, so that i can use some of the images in my crop project. Alongside this i also created my logo for my letter chair project.
Monday, 23 November 2009
Project 6,7,8 Term 1: Letter Chair/Letterpress/Crop
Over the last few days i have been looking at chairs for the letter chair project and i have now come up with an idea that i would like to explore and that is to create a 'Moulin Rouge' themed chair, using the lyrics as the type. However i need to research a type and a chair that would be suitable for the theme.
Also we today i was able to complete Project 7: Letterpress and we have been given the brief for Project 8: Crop.
Project: Letterpress
Duration: 1 Day
Working in the designated group you each need to select one entry from the basic glossary of typographic terms. Each member of the group then needs to get an understanding of that term and produce a design using metal type(s) which is part of your group poster. The poster must include all the definitions that your group selects.
I really enjoyed working on this project, as i really like the aspect of using letterpress, i think it is a personal, handcrafted process. The word i chose for this project was 'Axis'(The real or imaginary straight line on which a letterform rotates.
I drew out a few designs but in the end i decided to go to the design which shows the word Axis, rotated several times in the shape of a square axis.
Overall it was a really interesting process to carry out and i really enjoyed doing it. I also thought our end poster was really good it was fascinating what everyone had created and designed to represent their chosen term.
Project: Crop
Duration: 1 Week
Gather all work that you have made over the course of this term.
Select and collate a body of work that will form the pages of a book.
The pages that you produce will form the material to be bound in Book Binding workshops. (The pages should be no bigger than A4)
You need to prepare your book before the workshop.
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Project 6, Term 1: Letter Chair
Today i carried out some primary research and decided to go to Ikea to take photos of the chairs that they have there.

Below are just a few photos that i took:
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
project 6, Term 1: Letter Chair
Today i have been concentrating on my written assignment, and have managed to complete a first draft, which i will need to re-read and edit.
Yesterday i received my brief which is listed below, however due to me writing my first draft of my written assignment i haven't been able to start it yet. But i have taken a couple of books from the library of chairs and type faces and over the next few days i will be sketching and recording the information.
Project:Letter Chair
Duration: 3.5 Weeks
To Design a chair based on a typeface of your choice.
You are required to produce:
- 10 drawings and 10 collages that document and development of your ideas and process.
- Make and photograph maquettes of your chair.
- Create a identity and brand your product.
- Produce a poster no smaller than A2.
- Design and produce a small production containing documentation and the research used to inform the concept.
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Project 5, Term 1: Sequential Images and Narrative Structures
Thursday 12th November 2009
Today i came up with an idea for my 3 minute video. It is called 'Fly on the Wall'. I came up with it from the saying 'if only i could be a fly on the wall.
My idea was to have a fly that flew around and went into different peoples lives, which appear normal but all have their secrets.
I went to Jim today for feedback and he said that my story may be a little complex and that i should do what i literally said and se it from a fly's point of view, we may not see much but we may here a few secrets. I was told to take a few pictures from a flys point of view and experiment with it.
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Project 5, Term 1: Sequential Images and Narrative Structures
Project: Sequential Images and Narrative Structures
Duration: 1 Week
To experiment with the development and structure of a storline with consideration of what holds an audience and what strengthen or undermines conventions of narrative.
Develop ideas for narration within a timeline through sketches, diagrams and storyboards and possibly first video experiments.
Monday 9th November 2009
After being given the brief, we watched a series of conventials films and videos to represent certain aspects on sequentials images and narrative strure and to also help inspire us.
Tuesday 10th November 2009
I still find this project very daunting, so have tried to put it off for a bit. However i did spend the day scanning in the images for my book covers for the last project and editing them and complting them on illustrator.
Wednesday 11th November 2009
It was definatly time to crack on with my project. I have spent most of the day brainstorming and researching by looking at examples of short fims.
A few wesites that i found useful were:
Friday, 6 November 2009
Project 4, Term 1: Text and Image
After spending all night, not getting much sleep and this morning, i have managed to complete 5 book covers and the poster.
I am really pleased with the outcome, i spent a lot of time drawing from my photographs and recreating some of m drawings. However i did struggle with the text part of the project, as i wasn't sure what to use and how to display it. In the end i decided to go for sweet and simple approach for the project.

I have not finished the rest, but i will defiantly complete them as soon as possible.
Here are the scans of some of my finished pieces:

- Need to look at book covers, for inspiration on layout.
- Need to create a system of grids/tables to contain text and information.
- Need to think about the spine of the book.
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Project 4, Term 1: Text and Image
Today we were given our final part of the brief, which is to create a series of book covers including the back cover, spine and front cover and one poster to promote the series.
I am quite daunted by the task, as this has to be finished by 3pm tomorrow, but i will try my best to complete it.
After a lot of decision making, these are some examples of the layouts, they are not finished but they are a start.

Wednesday, 4 November 2009
Project 4, Term 1: Text and Image
Project: Text and Image
Duration: 1 Week
- Day 1 - Visiting 6 tourist locations, making notes of each location and one photo of each.
- Day 2 - Visiting 5 trendsetting locations, making notes of each location and one photo of each.
- Day 3 - Final observation of the view of London describing the city in words and one photo.
- Day 4 - Receiving the brief and working on it.
- Day 5 - Continuation of project and presentation/crit.
Day 1 - I found today very tiring but i quite enjoyed looking at the different locations.
Day 2 - Again a very tiring day with miserable weather. The locations were very different to the ones i experienced yesterday, it was a lot more cultural in areas and e
ach area seemed to be developing or developed in some way.
Day 3 - I really enjoyed the location today, i decided to choose Greenwhich Park, this was a really nic
e area to sit in and observe, i found
i very relaxing.
Project 3, Term 1, Image Project
Project: Image
Duration: 1 Week
- Day 1 - Meet on the steps of the Imperial War Museum at 12:00 Monday 25th October. You are required to make drawings of objects that you find in the exhibitions. The drawings should be made at 'close waters' and must include typographic elements within them.
- Day 2 - Meet Greg in the foyer of the science museum on exhibition road at 10:30 Tuesday 26th October. Yu are required to make drawings of objects that have potential and or/kinetic energy.
- Day 3 - Using your drawings as reference spend the rest of the week designing ad making a souvenir/object/product for each museum to be sold in their shops.
From my drawings i made brainstorms for both of the museums, of ideas of products that i could make.
For the Imperial War Museum this inclu
ded; booklet of all the posters, birthday cards/get well cards using war time sayings, fabric badges, metal badges, belt buckles, bags, purses, famous sayings on key rings.
For the Science Museum this was; mechanisms, neon lighting, pop-up book, playing cards, engine style pencil pot, a plane's propeller turned into a stationary holder.
From these i drew and designed some of the products that i thought would be more suitable.
The ideas i created for the Imperial War Museum was a old packaging 'Weetabix' belt buckle and a fabric badge.For the Science Museum i created a engine pen and pencil holder and a propeller stationary holder.
These are my mock ups:
Overall i thought that out of the four products the propeller and the fabric badge were the best ideas, as they could be developed further. However i think that these products would be much better if i had more time to develop them and maybe create the mock-ups in clay, as i would have been able to model them better.
From my crit, i was given feedback that i should photocopy my original drawings and create these into badges.
Project 2, Term 1: Mapping S.E.5
Project: S.E.5
Duration: 2 Weeks
A visual representation of a place and its dynamics on a plane surface by means of linkage.
You are required to explore locations in and around S.E.5. Research, describe, record, document. Map an aspect of S.E.5.
Make work that describes the links to your chosen themes/areas.
You may only use one piece of A0 paper throughout the project!
The end product must take form of a folded map. Be imaginative with the outcomes you produce. Consider the context.
I started by thinking of different ways in which i could fold my map, as i didn't want to start writing on the paper without knowing which way to read it. I found this quite a frustrating task, as i wasn't sure how i should do it i looked in the book Encyclopedia of paper - folding designs (copyright 2001) P.I.E BOOKS, Tokyo, Japan.
This gave me some inspiration but i wasn't sure how i could relate it to the size A0 paper, so i left it. In the end i just starting folding and cutting into the paper.
I then spent the next few days walking around Camberwell making notes on the area, how i feel in the area, rubbings of different textures and taking photos.
After collecting this information, i planned out where i would put it on the map and plan what would go on it.
This is a photo of my final piece:
I have mixed emotions about my final piece because there are some aspects i like; which include the hand rendered Denmark Jill section, the road markings and the rubbings. The aspects i don't like are the layout of the map, the photos and the way i have presented the rubbings.
I think to make this piece more aesthetically pleasing and effective, i should have really considered one theme of the map instead of several ones. I also should have considered hand rendering all of the pictures and develop the rubbings.
Project 1, Term 1: Orientation
Project: Orientation
Duration: 1 week
The process of becoming accustomed to a new situation or set of surroundings. The positioning of something, or the position or direction in which something lies.
- Part 1 - Organise yourselves into groups of 5. Gather information/data. Record and document all that you see and find in the spaces that make up Camberwell College.
- Part 2 - Create visual representations of the spaces that make up the College. Present these findings on the studio walls.
- Part 3 - Create a system that communicates the orientation and function of these spaces that make up the College.
split up to draw, and write information about the college.
After we came back we hung up all of our information onto the wall.
After accessing our images we created a brainstorm of ideas we could have of mapping the Camberwell College.
After a lot of deliberation we decided to base our final piece with all the light switches and appliances that are seen on the walls and ceilings of the college. We thought that this would be quite a quirky and original idea for a map.
We were each assigned a floor to
map out using our own perspective as a student and only include rooms that students we need to know about or use. I was given the fourth floor. We then had to create a key of all the different symbols we would use to signify a different room. Once this was sorted, we all split up to start mapping and creating the drawing the map using the key and symbols.
Once we had all completed this, we wanted to make this into a booklet that new students could take around the college. We used brown paper to transfer our maps over a
nd we had to draw them in fine-liners. In between the pages we placed a sheet of tracing paper with information that we have learnt while we have been at Camberwell, for instance, bus times, art shops.
Below are some images of the first few pages of our final book.

I believed that our booklet was successful because of its hand rendered design, that gives it the personal touch, which students could relate to.
After talking to our tutors, we discussed some improvements that we could carry out in the future, if we were to come back to it.
The improvements were that:
- We could have the key in a better position, so that it could wrap around the booklet and be easier to follow or look back at.
- We could also colour some of the symbols, so that it connects to the writing at the top.
- Some of the map could be snaking off the page and coming over the page, to make the book flow better.
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