Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Year 2: Term 1: Project 3

"Parallel Synchronised Randomness"

"It's when the random occurences of your life line up to look like they were planned that way and that they were supposed to happen."


This is our theme for our film, as it is a regular ocurence that we all experience this or 'Deja vu' in one form or another.

Year 2: Term 1: Project 3


These are some photos i have taken while at the 'Move - choreographing you'

Year 2: Term 1: Project 3

Repeat After Me...

What part does repetiton play in the communication of art, design, sound and vision?

What physial part do we play in relation to buildings and objects?

Collaborate in groups of between 6 & 10 people

Consider pattern, rhythm, mannerism & physical language

Use only sounds created & recorded for our video