Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Year 1: Term 2: Project 4: Design a Dictionary

Today I was able to complete all 40 words and phrases in 'texting' language. However there may be a few words that i may need to change because it is quite hard to understand what the letters are meant to represent. I will show my tutor tomorrow to get his opinion on what he thinks of the concept.

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Year 1: Term 2: Project 4: Design a Dictionary

Today I continued and finished creating all the compositions for the 40 words and sentences.

I therefore began research on how to translate the lines from shakespeare into modern language. From the website: (27.04.10)

Once i had completed this i went on to translating the modern language into 'texting language'. From the website: (27.04.10)

I was able to re-compose the 40 words and lines into modern english but i have not been able to get round to the 'texting' language. However this will be my task for tomorrow.

Monday, 26 April 2010

Year 1: Term 2: Project 4: Design a Dictionary

These are the some examples of lines taken from 'Romeo and Juliet' to describe the words. I have composed them in a way in which they act out the lines from the play. This is meant to be more visually appealing to the viewer, as it has a pictorial quality. It is also meant to help the viewer get the feel of the emotion the lines are describing.

Year 1: Term 2: Project 4: Design a Dictionary

One of my ideas was to use Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet' to define 40 words, using lines from the play.

Once i had read through it the words i chose were:

  1. Agony
  2. Spite
  3. Regret
  4. Shock
  5. Worry
  6. Pride
  7. Hate
  8. Love
  9. Infatuation
  10. Eagerness
  11. Suffering
  12. Despair
  13. Pity
  14. Woe
  15. Optimism
  16. Fear
  17. Hope
  18. Longing
  19. Attraction
  20. Loathing
  21. Surprise
  22. Outrage
  23. Vengefulness
  24. Horror
  25. Desire
  26. Adoration
  27. Excitement
  28. Panic
  29. Enthusiasm
  30. Hurt
  31. Anger
  32. Fury
  33. Anxiety
  34. Grief
  35. Distress
  36. Scorn
  37. Devotion
  38. Relief
  39. Hysteria
  40. Mortification
With these words i have taken lines from the play, in which i believe describe the words.

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Year 1: Term 2: Project 4: Design a Dictionary

I have come up with some further ideas for this project and the one i am currently working on is my idea of using lines and quotes form William Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet' to define 40 emotions.

While researching i also thought of the idea of using old english poetry to define 40 words such as nature or life.

From both sets of ideas, i plan to try and make a revised version using the 'texting' language, so that you can can see the transition of the english language. Also it is a concept that our books of the future may be written in 'texting' language.